26 June 2023
Loan Applications UPDATE
We are receiving a higher-than-normal amount of loan applications to help support our community and members. If you have applied for a Merthyr Tydfil Borough Credit Union loan and have been waiting a little while, don’t worry! We will be in touch if we need more information from you and once, we’ve decided about your loan.
Online loan applications are currently taking 5 working days being to be assessed, paper applications are taking 7 to 10 working days. If we approve your loan, you will receive a text message with instructions on next steps.
To speed up the process, please ensure you have uploaded all of the requested documents including 3 months bank statements. We prioritize loans that have supporting information attached to the application.
If you haven’t heard from us about your application after five working days, please get in touch with us via email info@mtbcu.org.uk or call 01685 377888 and we will see what’s happening for you!